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to fight privatization schemes

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - May 26, 2016) - 1200 CUPE Ontario members will take to the streets Friday at noon with a clear message for Premier Wynne and her government's friends on Bay Street: Your fiscally irresponsible privatization plans will hurt the people of our province and they must be stopped.

"Our members work on the frontlines in every community across Ontario. We see the direct fallout from bad government policies," says CUPE Ontario president, Fred Hahn. "We feel a strong obligation to protect the people of Ontario. We're building a movement to take back what's ours and stop the Premier from funneling our tax dollars to corporate profits rather than investing them in our communities."

"People across this province are struggling and we need to turn things around," says Candace Rennick, Secretary Treasurer of CUPE Ontario. "We must stop Premier Wynne from giving our power over to an elite few."

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 梦想天空 / 明天中午有游行示威,Beginning at the corner of Bay St. and Queen St. W heading south on Bay St. to Scotia Bank Plaza
    • What for?
      • to fight privatization schemes
        TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - May 26, 2016) - 1200 CUPE Ontario members will take to the streets Friday at noon with a clear message for Premier Wynne and her government's friends on Bay Street: Your fiscally irresponsible privatization plans will hurt the people of our province and they must be stopped.

        "Our members work on the frontlines in every community across Ontario. We see the direct fallout from bad government policies," says CUPE Ontario president, Fred Hahn. "We feel a strong obligation to protect the people of Ontario. We're building a movement to take back what's ours and stop the Premier from funneling our tax dollars to corporate profits rather than investing them in our communities."

        "People across this province are struggling and we need to turn things around," says Candace Rennick, Secretary Treasurer of CUPE Ontario. "We must stop Premier Wynne from giving our power over to an elite few."
        • 示威的人里面估计有很多当年投票给韦恩。 +3
          • 收音机上老做广告,一中年女,抱怨安省政府减少family care。。。I voted for Liberals, but I didn't vote for this。。。,很搞。省自由党不能印钞票,福利僧多粥少,还有电厂计划上billion地打水漂,咋办? +1
            • 自己脑残能怨谁?当然,我还是支持他们去喊口号的。
        • Hope it's useful
        • 私有化,丢工作,工会的闹了
        • 当年不是工会充当反胡达克急先锋,送自由党上台做多数党吗。
          • 高喊韦婆万岁,兴许能有救?
            • 韦婆过了河,就把桥拆了。
              • 能否进一表? 水可载舟,亦可覆舟啊
                • 等省选的时候韦婆丢块肉出来,他们就又能穿一条裤子了,让他们折腾去吧。
                  • 你信不信?安省群众很鱼肉,再次省选,铁定还是选自由党。你信不?我铁定信。
                    • 反对有用吗? 只要她在投票前, 再给庞大的利益集团, 输送一点点好处, 或者威胁他们会保住他们的饭碗, 她就又能得逞。还有一个关健就是, 老天给了她, 民主制度诞生以来, 史上最蠢的对手, 安省保守党, 基本是躺着赢。 -followher2(安知鱼); 5-22 (#10114344@0)
                      • 绝对同意,绝对同意。安省保守党很弱,太弱,不是自由党的对手,不过,安省保守党这么弱,也是安省群众基础决定了的。安省穷人太多,太多。拿福利的也多。 工会也多。这样的地方不可能是保守党的天下。 +1
                • looooooooooool
              • 兔死狗烹
            • looooooooooool
    • 是不是考虑带照相机去拍呼啦啦喊口号 :)
      • 呼啦啦口号“:”打倒国民党。“ 结了。哈。
    • 夏天同学,谢谢分享,你会去吗?我也建议谈天说地的不如同学去。工会的同学应该同心协力去。:)
      • 我们公司有人号召大家去,正在点名看有多少人去他们好准备午餐和饮料
        • 哇,如果我们公司这么积极,有这些免费的啥,我也会去。:)你得去了,不然对不起免费的那啥。你是工会的?