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Updates - Job Description - Senior BI Developer

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Reporting to the Senior Manager, Market Risk Management and Stress Testing Application Support, the Senior BI Developer will be accountable for enhancing the analytical capability of Bank's Stress Testing Operations through data mart design and development. This position will be responsible for data modeling, data integration (ETL) process development, multidimensional data structure implementation, and dashboard/KPI report automation.

This position must work proactively and effectively with internal stakeholders and business analysts to provide support and expertise in data management, infrastructure support and reporting.

Job Requirements The person in this position will be expected to:
•Develop and maintain Microsoft SSAS multidimensional data cubes.
•Design and develop SSIS packages for ETL processes to integrate data from various source systems, ie. SQL Server and file formats.
•Design and develop automated reports using SSRS.
•Collaborate with Business Analysts and Business Segments on source to target mapping.
•Design and enhance relational and dimensional data models.
•Develop SQL code / stored procedures / SQL Agent Jobs on SQL Server/ MDX queries.
•Document all new and enhanced processes.
•Work proactively under minimal supervision.
•Ensure productions issues and defects are resolved on a timely basis.
•Leverage Agile methodology for incremental and early delivery of high quality BI features; Participate in sprint planning, as well as daily scrum meeting
•Work with TFS not only for source control but to handle/manage Agile backlogs, sprints, release strategy and version/branch controls.

Some further expectations are:
•Take strong ownership of tasks given to them.
•Ability to take a technical leadership role and guide other team members.
•Communicate effectively with team members to achieve results and build strong relationships.
•Develop a good understanding of Market Risk management and Stress Testing business processes in Banking business.
•Respond to ad-hoc request
•C# .Net knowledge/Experience is an asset

Additional Information Qualifications:

The ideal candidate will have at least 5 years of experience in Business Intelligence/Data Warehousing.

Required knowledge/skills:
•Advanced knowledge of relational and dimensional data modeling.
•Advanced knowledge and extensive hands-on experience with Microsoft BI stack.
•Advanced knowledge of Kimball data warehousing methodology.
•Advanced knowledge of SQL Server Management Studio and SQL Server Data Tool.
•Advanced knowledge of C# .Net.
•Experience working with Microsoft TFS.
•Comprehensive knowledge of SQL Server (2008 and later) and advanced SQL.

Specific Educational Requirements/Accreditations:
•Post-secondary degree: Computer Science, Engineering or similar degree.
•Certification in Business Intelligence preferred.
•Microsoft BI Certification (2008 and later) preferred.

Other Qualifications/Skills/Experience:
•Strong verbal, written, presentation & communication skills.
•Proactive, organized, excellent analytical and problem solving skills.
•Works well independently, as well as, within a team.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 职位情报 / 多伦多市中心四大银行 - 高级C#.NET, 高级SQL Server/BI Developer. 有兴趣请email: devhiring@hotmail.com. 谢谢。
    • 请问这个“四大银行”和下面那个fedept发的是否同一家银行?同一个项目组?招“高级C#.net, sqlserver/BI。。”是分别不同的role,还是就只招一个人?谢谢。
      • 应该不是一家银行 (因为我不知道fedept的银行是哪家)。人数1-2人,更倾向BI on SQL 2012.
        • 我也申请。。。一定要 BI ?
        • 既然不是同一家,斗胆也提交了,但是,实际工作经历只符合 .NET 多点。
        • Is your team using Power BI?
          • 目前没有用,主要都是SQL2012上Stack.
    • 我还是中国四大银行的mode。觉得这位老兄在mocking 我。 哈哈
      • 难道真是你们组继续招人?
        • 不是一家银行。
      • 是,不太常来,题目copy/paste 了一下:)
    • 哪四大?好像通常说五大或六大。
      • 目前应该还是五大,他们所说的“市中心四大”,难道那条街只有四家?如果是,还一家在哪里?
        • I still see RBC TD BNS BMO CIBC and National Bank of Canada in the downtown core.
          Bay / Willington RBC, Bay/ King CIBC BNS BMO TD.
          • Nitional 算吗? 传说中的五大不是这样的吗? RBC, TD, Scotia, BMO. CIBC.
        • 楼主,这是真招聘吗? 弄得我们不敢投了。求回复
          • 干吗不?人家没准儿是十八摸,TCS的呢。。。
            • TCS那几个印度哥们啊? 呵呵 ,好像他们在university 400号的25层楼建立了基地。
              • 那几个?TCS全球近50个国家打拼,有35万人吧?靠价格取剩。
          • 是真招,我所在的team. 主要开发市场风险管理和压力测试方面的程序员。由于需要跟business沟通,语言能力要求比较苛刻。
            • 也不是说要向老外那么好,但要说出那个level的自信 :)
              • 我们说没啥问题,日常工作没问题,来加拿大5年多了。 如果要业务上那么专业说,确实我们要多努力。
    • 我的四大银行对不起你误导你了,你跟我是一家吗 我pm你了,如果是很高兴认识你,这是一个小小世界,我有几个朋友在那边。
      • 已经回复,应该不是。如果还有好的候选人,非常感谢推荐。
    • 不管怎样,麻烦楼主将稍微详细的job description贴一下,不想再犯前一个“四大银行”的面试错误,电话里说只是“见面感觉一下”,跑去变成了技术面试;技术面试的范围却和自己的日常范围交集不多,很激动地去,很难堪地回。
      • 天 老大我们就问了一个group by的sql 问题也算技术问题吗?就算我没有放job desc 我也还在title写了back end 是sql server 吧! 你还在抱怨。我完全义务帮忙,
        • 你从哪里看出我抱怨了?我只是要个较为详细的job description,这样也方便准备面试,每个去投资简历的人也知道是否适合自己。我很感谢你的帮忙,实际上,我只是说我那天出来感到很失败,很难堪,没有怪你的意思。。
          • 我并不是小领导 就是热心。您高看我了!
            • Sorry,总之感谢你的热心帮忙。我会继续努力,力争敲开五大银行之门。
        • group by syntax usually uses as category creating. and the column of group by is not unique value .
        • 另外,个人感觉无论是否简单,类似group by的,我个人觉得应该属于技术面试范畴,我上面说的面试,那天无论从哪方面看,应该是技术面试没错,是吗?很惭愧很简单的问题都答不出,而电话里却说了那么久,所以我说难堪。 +2
          所以我就建议楼主贴的较为详细的job description来,这样大家知道具体要求是哪些。
          • 不要生气,
            这里毕竟不是国内,这里技术面试,确实对一个平时只关心宏观技术框架的人来说确实不容易,就像出个中学数学题给大学里的数学系学生一样。瞬时,短时间内一下子很难反应上来, 但这边的面试到处都是电话技术面试,如果出现卡壳或是停顿,对方就给你打打岔了。 这确实很不公平。但我们又有啥办法呢??
            • 不同公司是有不同要求,
              所以我们自身技术要过硬。技术面试前一定要仔细看job description,做好准备。有些东西不是我们不知道,而是时间久了,项目多了,就不记得细节。我最近2年一直在研究如何将老项目转换新技术,而数据库方面的改变不多,所以很简单sql 问题都想不起,浪费了一次好机会。
      • 好。等我拿到 JD, 我会贴出来。
        • Updates - Job Description - Senior BI Developer
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Reporting to the Senior Manager, Market Risk Management and Stress Testing Application Support, the Senior BI Developer will be accountable for enhancing the analytical capability of Bank's Stress Testing Operations through data mart design and development. This position will be responsible for data modeling, data integration (ETL) process development, multidimensional data structure implementation, and dashboard/KPI report automation.

          This position must work proactively and effectively with internal stakeholders and business analysts to provide support and expertise in data management, infrastructure support and reporting.

          Job Requirements The person in this position will be expected to:
          •Develop and maintain Microsoft SSAS multidimensional data cubes.
          •Design and develop SSIS packages for ETL processes to integrate data from various source systems, ie. SQL Server and file formats.
          •Design and develop automated reports using SSRS.
          •Collaborate with Business Analysts and Business Segments on source to target mapping.
          •Design and enhance relational and dimensional data models.
          •Develop SQL code / stored procedures / SQL Agent Jobs on SQL Server/ MDX queries.
          •Document all new and enhanced processes.
          •Work proactively under minimal supervision.
          •Ensure productions issues and defects are resolved on a timely basis.
          •Leverage Agile methodology for incremental and early delivery of high quality BI features; Participate in sprint planning, as well as daily scrum meeting
          •Work with TFS not only for source control but to handle/manage Agile backlogs, sprints, release strategy and version/branch controls.

          Some further expectations are:
          •Take strong ownership of tasks given to them.
          •Ability to take a technical leadership role and guide other team members.
          •Communicate effectively with team members to achieve results and build strong relationships.
          •Develop a good understanding of Market Risk management and Stress Testing business processes in Banking business.
          •Respond to ad-hoc request
          •C# .Net knowledge/Experience is an asset

          Additional Information Qualifications:

          The ideal candidate will have at least 5 years of experience in Business Intelligence/Data Warehousing.

          Required knowledge/skills:
          •Advanced knowledge of relational and dimensional data modeling.
          •Advanced knowledge and extensive hands-on experience with Microsoft BI stack.
          •Advanced knowledge of Kimball data warehousing methodology.
          •Advanced knowledge of SQL Server Management Studio and SQL Server Data Tool.
          •Advanced knowledge of C# .Net.
          •Experience working with Microsoft TFS.
          •Comprehensive knowledge of SQL Server (2008 and later) and advanced SQL.

          Specific Educational Requirements/Accreditations:
          •Post-secondary degree: Computer Science, Engineering or similar degree.
          •Certification in Business Intelligence preferred.
          •Microsoft BI Certification (2008 and later) preferred.

          Other Qualifications/Skills/Experience:
          •Strong verbal, written, presentation & communication skills.
          •Proactive, organized, excellent analytical and problem solving skills.
          •Works well independently, as well as, within a team.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • Thank you, 非常有帮助
      • 刚刚看到讨论。任何面谈都要认真准备。技术面试的确非常残忍,会问的很细很细。SQL方面,不是单纯的Query,而更像一个Story telling 的过程。面试人提出一个设想,申请人谈自己的实现步骤。 +1
        • 实话实说,没有银行经历,面试了一次大概知道了银行的开发要求的重点在哪里,虽然是 .net 职位,但是和我平时的开发任务还是有区别的,比如多数teams要求避免把过多的开发放在 sql 数据库端,很多项目根本不需要stored procedure,但是银行的要求就不一样。
          • 各个team都不一样,大公司大银行更是。不要以偏概全。
    • 更新一下:
      更新一下: c#.Net已经有足够的申请了。现在只需要高级BI. 要求数据库设计开发经验丰富 (SQL 2012),包括SSAS,SSIS,ETL等。语言沟通流畅,熟悉Agile开发理念,团队合作。拥有微软数据库开发证书(DATAWAREHOUSE, BI)的优先。有C#开发经验最好。公司是加第二大银行。是我自己的team在找人。感谢各位。
      • 最近着么回事,.net冒出来这么多人??
      • 请问还招人吗?