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根据Michael Singer的书,我的理解是spiritual person 就是looking (inner) inside to find a solution. Worldly person 就是认为自己的问题都是外面的世界造成的。

The act of maintaining objective awareness of the inner problem is always better than losing yourself in the outer situation. This is the essential difference between a spiritually minded person and a worldly person. Worldly doesn't mean that you have money or stature. Worldly means that you think the solution to your inner problems is in the world outside. You think that if you change things outside, you'll be okay. But nobody has ever truly becomes okay by changing things outside. There's always the next problem. The only real solution is to take the seat of witness consciousness and completely change your frame of reference.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 心灵感悟 / What does a spiritual person mean? What does a worldly person mean? What's the difference?
    • spiritual person == 动嘴多过动手的领袖;worldly person == 类似白求恩无国界的人物。
      • 笑死我了,真没想到!
      • 那讲相声的不是动嘴最多吗?ta们都是spiritual persons? 照你这么说,跨域跨国工作的都是worldly person? 劳务输出的都是了!
        • 您是问感悟题还是逻辑题?郭德纲算领算袖?您把白求恩当劳务输出?我劝您也甭感悟了。
        • LOL 有些人就是无知者无畏,啥话题都要找些存在感, 不必认真,谢谢。
    • 根据Michael Singer的书,我的理解是spiritual person 就是looking (inner) inside to find a solution. Worldly person 就是认为自己的问题都是外面的世界造成的。
      The act of maintaining objective awareness of the inner problem is always better than losing yourself in the outer situation. This is the essential difference between a spiritually minded person and a worldly person. Worldly doesn't mean that you have money or stature. Worldly means that you think the solution to your inner problems is in the world outside. You think that if you change things outside, you'll be okay. But nobody has ever truly becomes okay by changing things outside. There's always the next problem. The only real solution is to take the seat of witness consciousness and completely change your frame of reference.
      • 在这样的定义下,你们觉得spiritual person和worldly person可以很好相处嘛?Worldly person是不是一种不断创造问题却认为自己已经在努力解决问题的人?比如(external) change maker?
      • 很可能spirit这个词的定义太含糊,或者被人滥用了,比如各类spiritual leaders是不是spiritual people?我看不像,能当俗人领导的必须更俗,否则只能象耶稣一样被钉死。观心求解是一个可以推演、已被验证的解决问题的方法,不一定要和spiritual联系起来。