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Personally I think The Partner by John Grisham is his best. In his later works he tries to extend his style from the legal thriller genre, and I don't think it has been very successful, although the Grishamists would buy whatever he produces. I haven't read his The Appeal.

Based on what you like, I strongly recommend Ken Follet, starting from his most enjoyable Eye of Needle. You can also pay attention to Jeffrey Archer, starting from his best Kane and Abel. Scott Turow's legal thrillers are also very readable.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 小说故事 / 读完了John Grisham的书 - the Rainmaker, the Firm (windylotus(风荷) 推荐),觉得不错。还有没有其它英语小说推荐?
    • painted house? summon? the latter one is so so though
      • Thanks.
    • 如果没看过电影的话,先读THE FIRM,THE CLIENT。然后看电影,欣赏TOM/TOMMY们的演技。
      • 电影和小说都看了,所以想问问有没有其它推荐。
    • 你如果喜欢他的书的话,强烈推荐The Last Juror和The Chamber。这两本书可以让你了解美国小镇生活和数十年前美国的黑人人权。我个人认为这是作者很出色的两本书,塑造的人物比较真实立体。
      • 谢谢,一定会去读这两本小说。除了John Grisham,有没有其他作家的小说推荐?
        • fuctions
          Personally I think The Partner by John Grisham is his best. In his later works he tries to extend his style from the legal thriller genre, and I don't think it has been very successful, although the Grishamists would buy whatever he produces. I haven't read his The Appeal.

          Based on what you like, I strongly recommend Ken Follet, starting from his most enjoyable Eye of Needle. You can also pay attention to Jeffrey Archer, starting from his best Kane and Abel. Scott Turow's legal thrillers are also very readable.
          • fuctions , sounds like erotic novels.
            • lol
              • ouch, messed up with U and I, but U know what I mean, and I know what U mean :)
                • olo
                  • 可以肯定地说,这个是不带插销的菠菜
                    • I don't get it. 插销和菠菜, 哪儿是哪儿?
                  • i meant, lol
          • Thanks!
    • Old one - the client - is funny. I also like the Last Jury, the Street Lawyer and the Broker. If you like non-fiction you can also read "the innocent man".
      • Thanks. Will read the Client.
    • 我最近都没有时间看了,呵呵。你速度好快啊。
      • 刚看完 The Client ,真不错!准备看Runaway Jury
      • 我读完了the Rainmaker,Runaway Jury ,the Firm ,现在准备读 the Last Juror。
    • 推荐AMY TAN的 THE JOY LUCK CLUB 和KITCHEN GOD'S WIFE. 她从一个ABC的角度描写中西方文化的不同,文笔幽默,描述极为生动。另外她的杂文集THE OPPOSITE OF FATE也值得一读。
      • THE JOY LUCK CLUB 我看过电影
        • 呵呵,是吗?我前年先看到THE OPPOSITE OF FATE,喜欢她的文风,然后才顺藤摸瓜找到这本小说。电影我没看。