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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Chinese Invasion ...

all the brothers and sisters, welcome to Canada. I left China so many years ago. in the recent several years, so many people come here from China, though many of them are not very happy here. but I welcome you all. it's good to see more and more Chinese in the city. the number of Chinese immigrants is the highest among all, and much higher than the second. the Chinese population in some cities is growing rapidly. hopefully some cities will turn into china towns as a whole in just few years.
Oh, yes, that's chinese invasion, and let's take over Canada. there are too many people in China already anyway. come and help us get rid of our minority status here sooner.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 心情随笔 / 快要去多伦多了,心情不是很激动,有没有一样进程的朋友?聊聊彼此的感受吧。
    • 好啊,你从哪个城市出境?我将于7月从北京中左右出发,你呢?
      • 好几天没来了,忙着做最后的准备,已经定了五月二十二日的机票,心情还是很茫然,有时会突然有一种期盼,可转瞬即逝
        • 小孩想的少
        • 我想,要离境的人们心情都是类似的。。。

          • reminded me of those slogans from CCP those years back in China. Don't use innocent kids as your excuse.
            • num & lum, I'll call you next friday. hopefully, I could see you off sat.
        • 说清楚点儿什么几天没来了,我以为你有了。xixi.
        • 期盼什么?是期盼某种不可抗拒的客观事件让你不得不放弃去加?离启程越近越有这种感觉!我也是5月22日,希望能在飞机上见到你。
      • 终于找到了一位同人,你是一个人走吗?
    • 我也即将去多伦多,没有了等待lp时的憧憬,有的只是茫然和失落。
      • 为什么呢?
        • 忧多乐少呀!
          • 我也是7或8月去多伦多,就要离开北京,心情很复杂。
            • 呵呵,没想着要卖lp吧!
            • 时间上咱俩可能吻合,空间上相差较大。现在我已经没什么感觉了,去与不去,都没什么很强烈的。可能那边情况使然吧。
            • 我也是7,8月份动身,的确觉得有些茫然.不过人生苦短,应该多些体验.必须拿得起,放的下.
    • 看到网友们强调英语的重要性,想一想自己的口语,突然,感觉好怕!
      • Improve your listening skills, that's more important than your speaking.
    • 我和你的心情是真真的一样,拿LP时不那么兴奋。真该好好聊聊! 我7月底或8月初出发。
    • 建议你们都不要去,英语不好,心情不好,提心吊胆,何必那?
    • you will not be excited when u get here. but you will be fine just like everyone else
      • 谢谢,我知道心情是会随着场景变换的,就象考试前的轻微紧张一样,保持一定的紧张度是有益考试的,我不想掩饰什么,所以就直说了,但并不是代表了我没有信心。
    • 有时我也有这种感觉。提前想得太多,临到该行动了,反而不那么激动了。
      • chinese invasion
        all the brothers and sisters, welcome to Canada. I left China so many years ago. in the recent several years, so many people come here from China, though many of them are not very happy here. but I welcome you all. it's good to see more and more Chinese in the city. the number of Chinese immigrants is the highest among all, and much higher than the second. the Chinese population in some cities is growing rapidly. hopefully some cities will turn into china towns as a whole in just few years.
        Oh, yes, that's chinese invasion, and let's take over Canada. there are too many people in China already anyway. come and help us get rid of our minority status here sooner.
    • don't come in TOronto in the next few months if u have neither strong professional skills nor perfect english. The job market here is so terrible. I miss Beijing!
      • Yeh, one of my friend backed BeiJing one month ago even he get a decent job as a programmer, he couldn't accustom the tedious life here
        • life in Toronto is so boring! life in Beijing is really interesting. I miss it very much.
          • Agree.
          • 我也想念北京的各种好吃的,和好玩的东西,多伦多有没有北京人的聚会什么的?
      • 就业市场有高峰和低谷,但无论何时,每个人都需要努力才能成功。
    • want to go back Beijing. Who will go abck with me?
    • Chinese Invasion ...
      all the brothers and sisters, welcome to Canada. I left China so many years ago. in the recent several years, so many people come here from China, though many of them are not very happy here. but I welcome you all. it's good to see more and more Chinese in the city. the number of Chinese immigrants is the highest among all, and much higher than the second. the Chinese population in some cities is growing rapidly. hopefully some cities will turn into china towns as a whole in just few years.
      Oh, yes, that's chinese invasion, and let's take over Canada. there are too many people in China already anyway. come and help us get rid of our minority status here sooner.
      • don't forget immigration is under control of Canadian government, which is run by the majority, white people.
      • 只怕是不管多少中国人移来,也减少不了心中越来越深的悲哀
    • JANE,祝你一路顺风,小弟几个月后也会落地多伦多,不过心里一点底都没有,顺便说一句,我不是学计算机的。
    • 从拿到LP的那一刻起,就只剩下惶恐不安了。
    • hi, 我是订了5月21日的机票, 现在什么也不想干,就想每天陪着妈妈看电视. 未来什么样, 到时候再说吧, 可是那么多事情摆在面前,怎么可以再说呢. 一想到自己的poor english, ow~~~~
      • 啊,我们是同一天走,祝一路顺风
    • jane,一路走好。我可能还有几个月,如要走,今年应该去,最迟12月。希望到时能在Toronto或是加国其它地方见到大家,参加FB大会!!!^-^
    • 看到大家悲切的留言,有一种“风萧萧兮易水寒,壮士一去兮不付还”的悲壮感。
      • 当然了,背井离乡哪有那么轻松。
        • 壮士那里人士?
    • 我是五月21号走,比你还早一天。现在就是感觉有点失落,不知道自己属于哪里,不知道前方有什么在等待,也不知道丢弃在深圳的这一切值不值得(去了趟北京才发现深圳的好处)。各位都在那里?只有在网上才感觉自己并不孤单,有这么多选择相同道路的朋友
      • 深圳真有那么好!
    • 读到这么多朋友的鼓励,真让人感动.我是JANE的朋友,相约5月22日乘加行离开北京.
    • 我准备5月末登陆多伦多,也是很茫然。在国内,住着100多平米的大房子,有着清闲的工作,却不知为什么走上移民这条路?说是为了孩子,可我自己呢?难道这辈子就为了孩子?
      • 同感啊同感,家里人都奇怪一点都不象走的样子
    • 又是好几天没来rolia了,一不小心,自己的贴子成了hotzone,谢谢大家的鼓励与关心,其实也是大家都有相同的心境,