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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

thx to Guest

thx for your suggestion. but I have some doubts in my mind:
(1)I just have gotten the master's degree last months. How to apply as a master? I mean I have red some infromations from the website. If I applied as a master, It need at least one year's job experience after getting the relative degree.
(2)Yes, I have the same idea as you. Coz I think it will win higher probality if apply as a programmer .
Two heroes have the same idea. : )
(3)I really doubt how to prove that I have been working in the comuputer line from 1990 to 1997? Can you give me the detail suggestion?

Yes, I will do it by myself. It is really a good chance for studying. By the way, the word DIY you mentioned means " do it by myself, doen't it?

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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 谁能给我一些建议和经验
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我是1990年毕业的,获机械工学士学位。毕业后,一直放弃了本专业。1990年至1992年,主要在一家大型国企单位IT中心从事计算机项目的管理。期间也参与了计算机项目开发的部分编程(当时用foxpro和c语言)。1992年--1993年12 主要负责和实施了一生产流水系列成套设备的引进项目。在此引进项目中主要负责与外商的技术谈判、联系、专业技术英语资料的翻译(笔译和口译)、出国技术培训(用英语)、项目实施监督等。1994年初至今,一直从事一个WEB网站的一期、二期、三期项目的开发、策划、实施和管理,此WEB网站的开发平台基于SOLARIS和AIX系统,采用了ORACLE和SYABE数据库,平时我的工作职责是:(1)WEB网站的策划和经营管理。(2)网络系统管理和维护。并对合作单位做技术支持。(3)参与网站各阶段项目的开发。(主要用CGI、C、JAVA)。(4)WEB前台页面的制作。(熟悉网页制作工具)。


    (1)根据我的教育背景和工作经历,是以programmer申请,还是以Softerware engineers申请,或其他,哪种成功率高?(补充:我的本科成绩单中,计算机课程只有四门)
    (5)Canada 是不是很需要网站建设的技术人员? (包括前台和后台的开发)

    P.S: 欢迎您和我联系,我的E-mail: achieve_hu@sohu.com
    也欢迎我们共同鼓励、探讨、学习......更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • You're very strong!
      1, If you apply as SE, you'll be required CCPE stuff. As the points are similar, I suggest you to apply as programmer.

      2, As Master.

      3, Try to prepare all related materials.

      4, DIY! Do it by Yourself!

      5, Canada needs someone with your background.

      Good luck!
      • thx to Guest
        thx for your suggestion. but I have some doubts in my mind:
        (1)I just have gotten the master's degree last months. How to apply as a master? I mean I have red some infromations from the website. If I applied as a master, It need at least one year's job experience after getting the relative degree.
        (2)Yes, I have the same idea as you. Coz I think it will win higher probality if apply as a programmer .
        Two heroes have the same idea. : )
        (3)I really doubt how to prove that I have been working in the comuputer line from 1990 to 1997? Can you give me the detail suggestion?

        Yes, I will do it by myself. It is really a good chance for studying. By the way, the word DIY you mentioned means " do it by myself, doen't it?

        • You're welcome.
          1, if you study the document carefully, you see that doesn't matter when you got the degree.

          2, the English saying is: "Great minds think alike." I just learned it a couple of months ago. :)

          3, You may provide letter of reference by your supervisor or colleagues, you may give a detailed written description on what you have done these years. In my case, I provided a resume.

          DIY=do it yourself.

          Good luck!