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  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 吐槽一下。。在eBay上卖点东西怎么这么费劲,交份子13.25%,还要再交税给税务局,真是垃圾,比kijiji差太多了! +3
    • 嘿嘿,树大招风。当年淘宝免税,易趣就拿不到。。。
      • 小土豆自由党搜刮民财,连个人二手货买卖都要抽税,垃圾中的垃圾!! +2
    • 好像大卖家才要交税。如果你年度营业額不大,应该不用交税。
      • Read this, go figure...
        • ebay负责收,合符资格的CRA会退税。聽起來人們感到不安,因為他們不能再逃避繳稅,而他們本來應該一直繳稅。
          • This is ridiculous... CRA has already collected HST when the item is sold when new; Now collecting HST again when the used item is sold at a garage sale??? ... BTW there's no refund of HST, unless the item is returned. Read it again. +1
            • 你坚持要帮衬ebay 一定有你的原因,不然你去kijiji 或 Marketplace 卖就是了。小卖家是不会去eBay的。注册个HST 账号可以拿resale退税了,你只付利润的部分。你多半是大卖家,你就别吐槽garage sale 也收税了
              • Do you work for the CRA??? LOL... BTW you have no idea that ebay nowadays is not a good place to do business, especially for Canadians
                • 自由社会,你开间PapBay 如何?然后拒绝帮CRA做任何事情
                  • You really work for CRA, do you? Seriously. Cut it.
                    • 你开间PapBay那就知道了
                      • Get a sense of it. This kind of money-grab by the Trudeau Liberal clown will do nothing but hurt the Canadians, individuals and business alike, whereas benefiting foreign participants on the platforms like ebay, etc. +1
                        • 不hurt 我。其实你怎么不怀疑我就是土豆?
    • 你卖点零星的闲散物品为啥要上EBAY?你回中国会划橡皮艇横渡太平洋还是坐民航大灰机?选择性方向性错误 +2
      • It's a market place which is supposed to reach larger audience hence possible buyers. FUCK TRUDEAU LIBERALS!
        • wait in line there are 30 million people kind ahead of you😂
    • 食得咸鱼抵得渴
      • Hail to Prince Trudeau!
        • 继续,他感觉不到的
    • 如果如你说,比kijiji差太多,那你就去kijiji 呗