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  • 求购!寻废金属,如废铜、废铁等,国内有工厂大量需求。请PM,谢谢!
    • 1. can u take mixed load ? 2. how can u arrange payment ? 3. give me yr price idea pls. for anything u may like to buy....copper, brass ....etc
    • No.1 Copper, Yellow Brass, Brass Raditor ...Auto Cast Iron ....what can u provide a price idea ?
      • 你好!我们也在寻求废旧金属方面的货源,能否留下你的联系方式。 我的E_mail地址:michaelhill2007@gmail.com
        • 你好!我们也在寻求废旧金属方面的货源,能否留下你的联系方式
          我们收到你们在金属废料资源网的广告;你们公司求长期大量采购各种(Red Brass and yellow brass),這裡* 是由加拿大溫哥華廢五金供應商,自己亲自现场所拍貨物参考图片*库,由溫哥華港口出口,香港或中国各地港口提貨物,30%押金,.然後定價位,船到達指定港口,清關后付全额,然後交提貨電子單.我们用 CMA CGM 航运公司.21-25曰航行,準時, *100%更新你所買下的貨物圖片和货物装柜流程图片,網上迫蹤和電子提貨表.** 希望尋找可長期信任可靠的商家合作.* *请入口商提供 AQSIQ **和 >CCIC,**请说明提貨公司,收貨人等等相關資料和入口批文證,如果疑問,請和左下角的人士聯絡!希望能夠收到你們的回復! 謝謝* ** 以下是货物的例图片库;更新* https://picasaweb.google.com/Philsky2010/March202012CopperPipeAndBrass?authuser=0&authkey=Gv1sRgCK2879XCp5ywXQ&feat=directlink https://picasaweb.google.com/Philsky2010/March152012MixedMotor?authuser=0&authkey=Gv1sRgCPzdjc_U5tbT6AE&feat=directlink -- 廣榮國際金屬(LTK import and export trading) 中國聯絡人:周仲榮先生 Jason (市場及物流部行政主管) 手機號:86-13434168723 電郵:dianlifs@126.com 地址:廣州市番禺區番禺大道北555號天安節能科技園 加拿大聯絡人:梁自廣先生 Philip 手機號碼:1-604-813-9783 Email: philsky2010@gmail.com philsky2011@gmail.com 地址 : 3760 Albert St Burnaby,BC. Canada
          • sent u our info by PM....seems we might be able to do some business !
      • PMed!
      • No.1 Copper, Yellow Brass, Brass Raditor ...Auto Cast Iron ....what can u provide a price idea ?.....SCRAPMETAL007, MICHELLIE, would you reply abovove questions before we invest more times ?
    • 我曾在两家本地废旧金属回收公司工作,如果需求量大,可以联系我,我可以找原老板商量。
      • what position did u have before ? do u still have interest in this business ? pls advise
        • I was just a heavy equipment operator before but I know who you need to contact .
          • would u pls check my private PM ?
      • PMed
      • PMed!
      • 你好,我从事钢材业务,国内有大量废钢需求。能不能给我资源报价。我的邮箱是 yuankaixia@gmail.com 夏
        • I dont think it will work, to ship steel from Central Canada / USA, to China. 1. what are you looking for ? HMS ? or oversized ? or P/S ? or cars 2. how will you ship ? bulk or by container ?
    • 废金属,废塑料物资回收公司生意合作。
      • PMed.
      • PMed!
      • hello, anything progress since last year ? please let me know if you have already done something. we might be able to do something. thanks
        • hello. anyone had any serious progress / contacts here ?
    • 想找加拿大的废黄铜货源, 有渠道的请联系
      • Hi. R u still interested in yellow brass