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  • 这里有人做国内电子和电器产品的进出口贸易吗?想知道相关认证是如何做的。
    • 相关认证?like what?
      • 象什么UL,CSA,GS之类,是否需要做。还是直接从中国进口电子电器产品,在北美这边销售就可以了。
        • if the products are not certified for CANADA and USA (CSA and UL) then it is not worthy for you to get certified here.
          • 我看见象walmart,canadian tire之类的,引进了大量中国电子电器商品。不知他们具体是怎么做的。其实中国很多电器产品,安全系数上应该有所保障。只是认证的费用和操作问题而已。
            • these products are done the certification in China
              • Thanks
    • TitusWong(LicCustomsBroker) CSA has offices in Shenzhen, Shanghai and Beijing. Get you factory
      to contact them and do the tests in China. Do not attemp to do them in canada as you will not be able to answer the techical questions if they arised.