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我的信, 很生气!

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Please do something to show you are not a coldblooded hypocrite!

Mr Harper,

I was very impressed with how you handled the the Headtax issue very shortly after you became the Prime Minister,
and I have been keeping the newspaper with your speech on the ceremony to rectify that mistake.
You displayed true Canadian values and strong leadership.

You have also been very concerned about human rights in China. Although I don't agree with the way you been doing it, I still appreciate your concern.

But this time, when huge earthquake struck China, tens of thousands of lives already perished and even more people are buried under mountains of rubbles desperately waiting for help, I see a Prime Minister of a great nation to turn a cold shoulder to this catastrophic human suffering. Not a cent commited from federal government to help the relief efforts. What a shame.

This time, you failed us, and you failed Canadian values.

Do something to help, it is life or death for thousands of people, unless you just don't care.

XXXXX更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 鉴于加拿大政府对中国地震救灾没有任何实质性的表示,强烈建议大家直接写信/发传真给总理Stephen Harper,并copy给各主流媒体!
    鉴于加拿大政府对中国地震救灾没有任何实质性的表示,强烈建议大家直接写信/发传真给总理Stephen Harper,并copy给各主流媒体!



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    The Prime Minister appreciates receiving comments from visitors to his site. Simply choose one of the options below. Your views will be carefully considered, and when appropriate your comments may also be forwarded to a minister.

    You can send your comments by e-mail to pm@pm.gc.ca or write or fax the Prime Minister’s office at:

    Office of the Prime Minister
    80 Wellington Street
    K1A 0A2

    Fax: 613-941-6900
    • 这样做合适么? 人家愿意不愿意帮忙是人家的事,没有加拿大的帮助,中国也一样能挺过去.我们又不是要饭的.
      • not 人家的事. we are canadian and we have a say in canadian policy.
        • 对,加拿大政府一毛不拔,我作为加国公民无法接受
      • 怎么了?
      • Why not? 做为公民我有权问,做为政府他有义务回答:人道援助是加拿大的传统,为什么这次还没有行动?
        • 94
    • 今天俺家LG写了email 给Harper 和MP, 被我狠狠地夸了一通. 希望Harper能够良心发现.
      • 好样的.可以告诉我们Harper的email地址吗?我也要写,让所有的中国人都写,他不捐,我们就一直写下去
      • 找到了,谢谢!
    • 作为加拿大公民使权力敦促政府官员作出他们应该做的事,有何不妥?而且不要忘了我们中国的根,这是我们的责任!从各位的疑问中不难看出,中国文化思维放在加拿大是多末的不适用!我更相信,
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛如果我们在加拿大的华人,能更多的走出自己的圈子,更多的参与政治活动,更多的向各级政府官员表达自己的观点,就不会造成现在这样的结局 -- 即在加拿大占少数族裔人口最多的华人,在故国亲人遭受如此灾难的时候,居然遭到政客们最无情的漠视!Stephen Harper为首的政府官僚们,能如此不顾在加众多华人的感受,对发生在中国的灾难,对灾难中死难的民众表现出出奇的冷酷无情,就是给我们在加拿大的华人的一个教训!

      这些政客不是关心中国的人权状况么? 现在中国灾区每天都有更多的人在流血,死去,生存的希望渐渐渺茫,他们的关心哪里去了?! 我相信,政客就是政客,政客即使要作秀也是需要观众的,如果观众冷漠,那么政客也就无需作秀了。 我百分之百的支持 Agincourt 的MP, Jim Karygiannis, 不管他是出于什么目的,毕竟做出了姿态,敦促总理援助中国救灾行动 (http://www.thestar.com/printArticle/424912 )

      我同意很多朋友的观点,在今后的选举中,我不会投票支持Stephen Harper所代表的保守党任何一个候选人,这不是关乎政治见解的问题,而是关乎有没有基本的人性和同情心的问题!但这个我想应该是后话,现在当务之急是即刻表达我们的观点、立场,敦促这些官僚们拿出行动来!

      另外,我在想, 加拿大跟中国还算不算友好的国家?! 如果加拿大政府如此作为, 我所能得出的结论只能是, 加拿大已经成为对中国充满敌意的国家. 各位加籍华人, 能否接受这样的事实? 各位能否继续在加拿大保持自己的尊严活下去? 想一想吧.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 支持!以发信给总理办公室。
      • 强力支持!!!
    • 不要期望哈巴能对灾区做些什么. 要考我们一起团结起来, 靠我们自己的力量,发动更多的身边的朋友捐款. 我已经对现有的哈巴政府完全失望了. 我已经决定一辈子中也不会投票给保守党!
      • ding!
        • 谢谢强顶...
    • 依然强烈建议写信给Stephen Harper, copy 给媒体!我已发信,cc给Globe and Mail, 附上供参考。华人当然要自己帮助自己,但更不能放弃充分利用加拿大的政治制度,行使公民权力!
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我的信附上,还有一些媒体报纸的采编的email供参考,网上找到的。(我的建议,不知道对否:建议每次只copy给单一的媒体,免得撞车,万一人家需要刊登的话不好办)

      toronto star: city@thestar.ca
      toronto sun: torsun.citydesk@sunmedia.ca

      globe and mail:


      To: pm@pm.gc.ca
      Cc: Letters@globeandmail.com, egreenspon@globeandmail.com

      ATTN: Stephen Harper
      Office of the Prime Minister
      80 Wellington Street
      Ottawa K1A 0A2

      CC: Globe And Mail

      Mr. Harper,

      As the whole world already knows, that a severe earthquake hit southwest China on May 12, 2008, causing stagging destruction and massive casualties. Latest estimates shows that the death toll could reach 50,000.

      Shortly after the tragedy happened, people around the globe are concerned, and many offered their generous help to the rescue and relief efforts. Many individual Canadians, many Canadian organizations and institutions are already rallying up, making donations, going to China as rescue teams ... they are doing whatever they can do to help the Chinese people to overcome this disaster, to save people's lives.

      Also, many countries around the world offered their help to China. They provided financial aid, they sent out rescue teams, they showed that they are willing to help those unfortunates when such a devastating disaster happens. These helping countries and regions are, Saudi Arabia, Japan, Taiwan, the United Kingdom, Poland, France, United States, Russia... and the list goes on.

      However, after over three days, on the list we can not find the name of Canada. OVER THREE DAYS, the government of Canada did not offer any serious help to China in the after-quake rescue and relief efforts. And I noticed that, as the prime minister, Mr. harper, you showed little sympathy to the people in the quake-stricken area, we hardly heard anything from you.

      When the whole world knows what is happening in China, when many civilized countries are helping the Chinese, with numerous people still suffering and dying under the ruins, their hope of survival diminishing second after second, what is beyond my imagination is that, Canada, as a country, suddenly disappeared!

      I want to ask, WHERE IS CANADA?

      So you mentioned before that you are concerned about human-rights conditions in China. If I am right, by that you meant that you care about the people's lives in China. Now, how can you prove what you meant when your government is totally ignoring what is happening in China?! You and your government showed little sympathy as a human nature.

      As a Chinese Canadian, I am very very disappointed by you, Mr. Harper, your party, and your government.

      What I can assure you, Mr. Harper, is that, if you keep ignoring what is happening in China, keep ignoring what we as Chinese Canadians feel, we are not going to ignore you. If you fail our trust, I will NEVER EVER vote for your and your party again, simply because I can not trust a bunch of cold-blooded, indifferent people. I am sure that most of the Chinese Canadians are on the same page with me.

      I strongly urge that,



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    • 我的信, 很生气!
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Please do something to show you are not a coldblooded hypocrite!

      Mr Harper,

      I was very impressed with how you handled the the Headtax issue very shortly after you became the Prime Minister,
      and I have been keeping the newspaper with your speech on the ceremony to rectify that mistake.
      You displayed true Canadian values and strong leadership.

      You have also been very concerned about human rights in China. Although I don't agree with the way you been doing it, I still appreciate your concern.

      But this time, when huge earthquake struck China, tens of thousands of lives already perished and even more people are buried under mountains of rubbles desperately waiting for help, I see a Prime Minister of a great nation to turn a cold shoulder to this catastrophic human suffering. Not a cent commited from federal government to help the relief efforts. What a shame.

      This time, you failed us, and you failed Canadian values.

      Do something to help, it is life or death for thousands of people, unless you just don't care.

      XXXXX更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 建议能发传真的一定要传真一份,比email更有分量! 还有,加拿大人的冷漠实在令人震撼,建议大家多到英文论坛去发表一下看法,那些地方一无所知毫无廉耻大放厥词的多了!